This exciting new research is currently been carried out by the research team led by Dr Xinyuan Ke, lecturer at Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK, with funding support from Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ funded by EPSRC as part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
Over 2 billion tonnes of diverse alkali solid wastes are generated from foundation industries worldwide annually and are primarily disposed of through landfills and stockpiling. The volume of these waste materials is expected to double in the next few decades, which has brought significant challenges to the cement and metal industries for reaching the Net-Zero targets.

For the conventional linear production processes, these alkali solid wastes and flue gases (i.e. CO2) are directly sent to landfill or released into atmosphere. This project will develop an innovative green chemical process to turn these alkali solid wastes (i.e. cement kiln dust, biomass ash, steel slags) into carbon-negative materials which can be used as an alternative feedstock for the production of sustainable cement.

Our research focuses on optimisation of the process conditions, as well as investigation of the effects of different physical and chemical properties of these novel carbon-negative materials, for producing high-strength carbon-neutral cements. The total carbon reduction capacity and sustainability impact of the developed novel process and products will also be assessed and evaluated.
This exciting project is conducted in collaboration with Aggregate Industries/London Concrete and The Materials Processing Institute to seek for sustainable routes to valorise their current solid waste stockpiles.
Further updates on the project outcomes will be announced on Dr Ke's research group website.